
Dolores County, Colorado

Dolores County encompasses 1,064 square miles, mostly high mesas and narrow valleys in the western portion. The eastern portion is high mountains. The elevation in Dolores County ranges from 5,900 feet in Disappointment Valley to 14,046 feet on Mount Wilson. Dolores County had a population of 1,890 in 2005. Approximately 700 live inside the city limits of Dove Creek, while the remaining live outside the city limits (approximately 880), or in the Rico/Dunton area (300).


Latest News

As the new school year begins, it’s a time of excitement and new routines for students, parents, and teachers alike. With children heading back to class, it's essential for everyone in the community to stay vigilant and prioritize safety. Whether you’re a parent, driver, or neighbor, we all play a role in ensuring our children are safe as they travel to and from school.

Public Notices

A reminder that the second Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) meeting of every month will take place at 10:30 AM. This month, Juwi will be attending the meeting to provide an update on the progress of the Dolores Canyon Solar Project build. We encourage interested community members to attend and stay informed on this important development.

How Do I...

Get a Copy of

Birth Certificate

Death Certificate

Abstract of Assessment



Commissioner's Agendas and Meeting Minutes

County Budget



To Vote




County Property Values



There's a Lot Happening Here