Public Health


The mission of Dolores County Public Health is to protect and improve the health of the residents of Dolores County and the quality of its environment.


Dolores County will work closely with other public health partners in Colorado to make Dolores County a healthy place to live and a place that offers its residents and visitors the highest quality environment possible. We believe that every individual has a fundamental right to attain the highest standard of health possible. Dolores County Public Health has the responsibility to protect and promote the health and well being of the individuals and communities it serves.

Tracey Beanland, RN/Director


8570 Road 7.2
Dove Creek, CO 81324

Fax: 970-677-2948


Monday - Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


  1. To assist and educate the residents of Dolores County in developing the competence to evaluate their won health problems and work towards a solution
  2. To identify the health needs of individuals, families, and communities and develop and implement programs to meet these needs
  3. To provide health education which will assist in prevention of the disease
  4. To act as a coordinator of health services for clients
  5. To assure quality of services this agency provides
  6. Participate in community health planning


It is the goal of this agency to achieve the highest level of physical, mental, and social wellness for the individuals and the community which we serve that is consistent with existing knowledge and resources.

Services We Provide

  • Emergency Preparedness
  • HCP for Children with Special Needs Care Coordination
  • Immunizations
  • Prevention Services and Education
  • Communicable Disease Investigation and Information
  • Public Health Education
  • Vital Records
  • WIC
  • Referrals for Nurse Family Partnership,  and Young Parents Program
  • Reach out and Read
  • And more

Essential Services

  • Mental Health Colorado
  • Monitor health status to identify community health problems
  • Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community
  • Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues
  • Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems
  • Develop policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts
  • Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety
  • Link people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when otherwise unavailable
  • Assure a competent public health and personal health care workforce
  • Evaluate effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and population-based health services
  • Research for new insights and innovative solutions to health problems
  • Addiction Resource and the American Society of Addiction Medicine, who also promotes drug abuse prevention and treatment.

Public Health Improvement Plan

As a result of the Colorado Public Health Act of 2008, Dolores County Public Health is required to collect health data and input from community members and stakeholders and to create a Community Health Assessment (CHA) for Dolores County. With completion in 2018 of its Community Health Assessment (CHA), DCPH has created a five-year Public Health Improvement Plan (PHIP).

Other Resources

Colorado Health Information Dataset

Programs and Additional Information

We’re here to help you!

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a nutrition program that provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, healthy food and other services free of charge to Colorado families who qualify. It is for Pregnant women, infants, and children 1-5 years old. Appointments are made to evaluate the nutritional health of the family and tailored food package checks are then issued for each participant.

To qualify for WIC, the client must meet income guidelines and have one nutritional risk factor – this is done at the certification visit. We deliver education , as well as program explanation, health history, requirements and expectations, etc. Prenatal care is encouraged to ensure a healthier pregnancy outcome. We encourage breastfeeding and offer education and support.

Find information for families, retailers, health care providers and local agencies.

All local public health agencies are required to prepare and respond to emergencies with a public health or environmental health implication in coordination with local, state and federal agencies, and public and private sector partners.

Are you and your family prepared for an emergency? Dolores County promotes community preparedness by communicating steps that can be taken before, during, or after a disaster. What does it mean for you and your family to be prepared for an emergency? Have you considered how you’d communicate with family members during an emergency, or planned where to meet in the event of an evacuation? Have you considered what to take if you had minutes to gather belongings?

Additional EPR Resources

  • Ready.gov – FEMA’s Disaster Preparedness website. How to develop an evacuation plan, build a go-kit, and be ready for an emergency.
  • CDC Emergency Preparedness and Response – Center for Disease Control’s Emergency Preparedness and Response website. How to prepare for natural and man-made disasters, including chemical disasters and hazmat events.
  • Ready Colorado – Colorado Preparedness Website. How to build a go-kit, how to live in wildfire country, information for kids, and available classes and training in emergency preparedness.

We are working on some regional prevention education and strategies. We would love your input.

To obtain a birth or death certificate through Dolores County Public Health , you can submit an application in person at our office (you must present the required identification) or you can mail, fax, or bring in person your application with a photocopy of your identification.

The birth and death certificate fee is $20.00 and $13 for any additional certificates.

Birth and death certificates are confidential and can only be given to family members who can prove relationship or legal guardians/representatives.

You may also go to CDPHE and apply online.

Dolores County Septic Inspector, Julie Kibel, can be reached at 970-394-5718.

Board of Health

Dolores County Board of Health meets quarterly.


Floyd L. Cook

Vice Chair

Julie R. Kibel


Steve Garchar