Weed Control District


Weeds are spreading in the whole state. Although they may look pretty, they are displacing native plants and wildflowers that wildlife depends on and invading our farm ground.

There are over 300 weeds on the State noxious Weed List, the District's main focus is on Canadian, Musk, and other Thistles, Leafy Spurge, Diffuse, Knapweed, Bindweed, Oxeye, Daisy, Dalmatian Toadflax, Musk Thistle, Russian Knapweed, Spotted Knapweed, Western Whorled Milkweed, White Top, Hounds Tongue, Dyers Woad.

Noxious weeds are weeds that have been deemed invasive and / or dangerous to a certain area or animals. These weeds are usually aggressive and can take over an area if not controlled with the correct procedures. Therefore, in Dolores County, there is a Mandatory Weed Control District. This organization is responsible for controlling noxious weeds in all of Dolores County, including subdivisions.

Weed Brochure

Noxious Weeds List

Private Pesticide Applicator Study material and Tests are available through our office!

Contact Us

409 N Main
P.O. Box 527
Dove Creek, CO 81324


Oma Fleming, Manager


Kenny Smith, Sprayer


Monday - Thursday
7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

If we receive complaints or observe an area of uncontrolled noxious weeds, we will send a Control Notice to the landowner of that property. The landowner will have 10 days to eliminate the problem weeds. If no action is taken by the landowner the Weed District will then use a Chemical spray to control the weeds and send a bill to the landowners.

The District may have grants available to help with the labor.

Grants Available for Chemical or Labor

Dolores County Weed District Noxious Weed Spray Special

The Dove Creek Mandatory Weed Control District will be offering a spray special.  The Weed District will offer two-hours spray time free, and you pay for the chemicals used.

The special will last as long as funding is available and will be on a first come first serve basis.  Must be a Dolores County Landowner (West of the Dolores River) and sign a release form. For more information, please call Oma at 970-677-2283 or come to the office at 409 N. Main St.

The State & County has a noxious weed Law that you must control your noxious weeds!