General Provisions
Mailboxes: If you are installing a mailbox please follow these guidelines:
The upright mailbox post must be 6 ft. from the edge of the driving surface. The mailbox opening must be at least 18 inches back from the driving surface and mailbox/mailbox platform must sit at least 42 inches above the level of the driving surface.
First: The applicant represents all parties in interest and affirms that the driveway approach (es) is/are to be constructed by him for bona fide purpose of doing business or servicing vehicles on the highway right-of-way.
Second: The applicant shall furnish all labor and materials, perform all work, and pay all costs in connection with the construction of the driveway(s) and its appurtenances of the right-of-way. All work shall be completed within 60 days of the permit date.
Third: The type of construction shall be as designated and/or approved by the Dolores County Road Department and all materials used shall be of satisfactory quality and subject to inspection and approval by the Road Department.
Fourth: The traveling public shall be protected during the installation with proper warning signs and signals and the County Road Department and its duly appointed agents and employees shall be held harmless against any further action for personal injury or property damages sustained by reason of the exercise of the permit.
Fifth: In the event it becomes necessary to remove any right-of-way fence, the posts on either side of the entrance shall be securely braced before the fence is cut to prevent any slacking of the remaining fence.
Sixth: No revisions or additions shall be made to the driveway(s) or its appurtenances on the right-of-way without the written permission of the County Road Department.
Seventh: Provisions and specifications outlined herein shall apply to every driveway constructed on all roadways under the jurisdiction of Dolores County.
Eighth: All driveways shall have a top grade level 8” lower than the county roadway shoulder at a point 15 feet back from the roadway shoulder. In no case shall the driveway permit infringe onto the county roadway.
Ninth: All driveways shall have a culvert no less than 30 feet in length and a minimum width diameter of no less than 15 inches.
Tenth: The County hereby reserves the right to tear up and/or reconstruct any driveway that does not meet the specifications as required by the County at the sole expense of the Permittee.
Eleventh: Permittee agrees to forever hold harmless and indemnify County and the individual Commissioners for or from any injury or injuries, damage or damages, costs, Attorneys’ fees expenses and liabilities of all or any kind or nature to County’s Permittees or third parties’ property rights of person which is incurred, or which arises or occurs out of or under or because of Permittee’s own happenings or exercise of use of the Permit hereby given.
Twelfth: Line of site each direction from approach- minimum of 500’.